Metatag in HTML.
Keywords (keywords), header (title) and description (description) of html page
What is the role of metatags and how they are used to create the site?Metatags are located in the header of the HTML page, including <HEAD> tag and </ HEAD> and it does not show in the browser (with the exception of the TITLE tag). There are a few header tags. We primarily interested in these two:
Title - text you see in the header of the browser window,
Meta - data used by servers and systems for search (Google, Yahoo, Bing...)
The first tag <TITLE> </ TITLE> is very important. It should be made separately for each site, ie. Each page should have its own name. Except that its content is visible in the header of the browser window, it is also a link to a page in the search results provided by search systems. HTML code will look like this:
<title> Page title </ title>
</ head>
<body> page content </ body>
</ html>
In addition, the key words that you put in the tag (title) search system accept extremely positive. Therefore, giving the name of the html page, make sure to include the name of the keyword.
These words, which most fully characterize the content of HTML pages and will be for it keywords. It can be a separate word or phrase. Be sure to get the word (or group of words, expression, ...) are written in the text on that page. According to them, the search engines determine the relevancy of a page to different queries that are entered into the line of search engine when looking for something.
When creating pages, set a few key words and use those words in the header (title) and in the attributes of metatags.
refresh - time (in seconds), through which there will be an automatic restart documents or moving to another html page with a given address (URL). For example, in order to have automatic restarting document every 30 seconds, to be written like this:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30">
And, to be carried out after 5 seconds go to the page with the URL, should be written like this:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;">
Moving on to the attributes of the group NAME:
description - description of the document.
One of the most important parameters that influence the ranking of pages by search engines. Normal description - it is a short information about the content. The description should also use keywords. In addition, the contents of that tag description can be seen in the browser, when the person's query, link appears on your site, the browser page(TITLE tag content) - the link below is the contents of the tag description. And usually after his reading, the user decides to visit the page or not.
Example of HTML code:
<meta name="description" content="description of page">
Example of HTML code:<meta name="keywords" content="keyword1, keyword2, keyword3">
That's all the HTML metatags, which are required at the beginning. Others are specific and can be used after someone has gained experience.
I recommend this on every page of your site use:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="Tip document and code stranica">
<meta name="keywords" content="Vaše key reči">
<meta name="description" content="Vaš description stranice">
<title> Header </ title>
</ head>
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