Formating text
The html text formatting is very important. There are three basic functions for formatting text, they are bold, strong, italic, sub, sup.
<p><b>My name is Marko</b></p>
<p><i>My name is Marko</i></p>
<p>My<sub> name</sub> is <sup>Marko</sup></p>
Type this text in notepad, and save as htmllesson.html, open and what are you see.
<b>- Is bold text</b>
<i>- is italic text </i>
<sub>- is subscript</sub>
<sup>- is supscript </sup>
<br> tag for new line like enter in microsoft office</br>
<hr> tag is line </hr>
![[Html School]How to format text [Html School]How to format text](
Also there is <pre>
The pre tag is good for displaying computer code
For i=1 to 10
print i
next i
There is <h> tags for Caption
There are seven h tags:<h1>,<h2>,<h3>,<h4>,<h5>,<h6>,<h7>.The <h1>
tag is bigest
Try to do this
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